and you may
Everybody wants to be
a writer - to write best-selling books - and to become famous
as well as rich. On the plus side of such ambitions, just
about anybody could and/or can become a published writer - but,
the big thing seems to be that not everybody knows how to "survive"
until they hit the big time. One way of doing it is to selfpublish.
To be successful as a
writer, you'd better know the rules of the game - whatever it
is you write about has to have "mass appeal" and a certain uniqueness
that makes it stand out brighter than similar works - you had
better know how to string words together in such a manner that
your readers find what you've written to be interesting, informative,
and/or of definite value
- and you should have your marketing/sales program all worked
out before you get too deeply involved.
In this day and age, it
is not enough to write something and send it off to a publisher
or two, hoping that they'll "discover you" and life will be luxuriously
happy for you ever after.
Assuming that you know
all of these rules, and that you've dedicated yourself to eventually
getting your manuscript on the best-seller lists, the basic thing
you've got to worry about between now and then is how you're going
to survive until the big day..
How to do it!
First of all, take time
out for a trip to your local public library and ask for a copy
of the national directory of publications. In this great
volume, look up the names and addresses of all the publications
that carry for sample copies of these publications - look them
over and when you see an article that you could do a quick follow
up on, or perhaps you're stimulated with an idea for an article
along the same lines; knock out an article and submit it to them.
If they like it, they'll get in touch with you and send a check.
It's as simple as that and you can easily make $50,000 per year
in your spare time, just submitting articles as a free-lancer
to magazines.
Very definitely, be sure
to pick up a copy of Writers' Digest. In each issue, you'll
find any number of publications soliciting material from free-lance
If you're into writing
"How-To" information, look up the addresses of the
publications purporting
to offer How-To information, and submit your materials to them.
You'll find that most
mail order publications will welcome mail order self-help/better-
profit articles and be glad to give you advertising space in exchange.
Probably the easiest way
to go is via mail order. Say you're writing/putting
together a best-seller on mail order business financing...
I would recommend that
you take your writer's outline - table of contents - and from
this list of chapters you're going to include in your book, you
write short 2 - 3 page "reports" than can be inexpensively produced
and sold for a couple of dollars each. Indeed, a short information
report such as this one.
By all means, weave into
the text of these reports, some sort of
that promotes the book you've either written or are writing; and
of course, your address so they can order it from you.
The next thing is to make
up an advertising circular for these reports and to get it out
to all the mail order dealers. What you want to offer is
a chance for them - these mail order dealers - to buy the complete
set of reports from you - 10 reports that sell for $2 each, with
reproduction rights, for $15 or $20...
Be sure to offer your
reports package to all the mail order catalog houses such as Mitchell
Enterprises, Copely Mail Order, Allen Publishing and Southern.
Don't worry about them making all the money - if you've written
your reports as I've instructed, the
promoters of your reports
packages will be promoting the sale of your book for you, with
all the orders for the book coming direct to you. Besides,
you'll be making a "ton of money" from just the sale of your reports
One thing you really should
do though, is send all your reports package offers out at the
same time. In other words, get the whole reproduction offer
together, about 50,000 strong and drop them off in the mail on
the same day. Don't mail them out a couple of hundred at
a time because if you do, your buyers will be competing with you
before you've covered all your prospective buyers.
Without a doubt, if you
put together a reports package with reproduction rights selling
for $20 and get it out to 50,000 mail order dealers on the same
day, you'll pull in at least $50,000 form that mailing.
The bottom-line secret is to offer all new titles - have
patience in getting everything
altogether - and then "dump" them all in the mail on the same
day - the more you send out in that first mailing the bigger your
return will be..
To Selfpublish is a great
way of increase the income.